Bir Krishna Goswami spent his childhood in Long Island, New York. As an academically gifted student at North Western University, he began reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. Impressed by Srila Prabhupada's scholarship and saintliness Bir Krishna Swami became a member of the Krishna conscious community in Gainesville, Florida in 1971. Shortly thereafter, he was initiated as Srila Prabhupada's disciple. In 1972 he began travelling throughout the United States distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and lecturing at colleges and universities. This continued until 1974, when Bir Krishna Swami became directly involved in the publication of Srila Prabhupada's books in English and in Spanish. In early 1978 Bir Krishna Swami entered the renounced order of life in Lima, Peru. In 1995 he began to work on the GBC (Governing Body Commission). At present his zone includes Fiji, South-eastern United States, and Slovenia. Visit Website
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BKG Q&A - 2023-01-07 Raleigh
41.52 MB · MP3
BKG Ramayana - Rama Katha - 2023-04-29 Labasa
7.77 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-09-15 - Time factor - 2022-11-21 Suva
22.02 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-09-23 - Fix the mind on Krishna - 2023-04-04 Sydney
23.93 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-21 - Story of Kartavira Arjuna - 2023-05-01 Suva
27.61 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-22 - Prabhupada made everyone preach - 2023-05-02 Suva
29.45 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-23 - Pure unmotivated compassion - 2023-05-06 Suva
23.12 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-24 - Uncover yourself - 2023-05-08 Suva
31.37 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-25 - Learning to exhibit good qualities - 2023-05-09 Suva
27.85 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-26 - Vedic Ugenics - 2023-05-12 Brisbane
28.61 MB · MP3
BKG SB 01-12-27 - Dealing in material world has its reactions - 2023-05-13 Brisbane
28.16 MB · MP3
BKG SB 03-07-13 - Take care of Krishna's energies - 2023-05-17 New Govardhan
29.98 MB · MP3
BKG SB 03-26-09 - Sat and Asat - 2022-12-15 New Talavan
26.88 MB · MP3
BKG SB 03-26-10 - Undifferentiated sumtotal of material elements - 2022-12-16 New Talavan
40.17 MB · MP3
BKG SB 03-32-37 - Types of faith - 2023-04-21 New Govardhan
25.4 MB · MP3
BKG SB 03-32-38 - Description of Tattvas - 2023-04-22 New Govardhan
27.78 MB · MP3
BKG SB 08-02-30 - Don't challenge maya surrender to Krishna - 2022-11-10 Sydney
21.49 MB · MP3
BKG SB 08-02-31 - Anyone that comes to Krishna Consciousness has some motive - 2022-11-11 Sydney
22.81 MB · MP3
BKG SB 08-03-02 - Transformation of matter to Spirit - 2022-11-15 Sydney
19.83 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-04-44 - Pramada means demons - 2022-12-18 New Orleans
28.45 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-08-19 - Krishna is Nanda's Son - 2023-04-29 Labasa
15.25 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-12-29 - Krishna gets bewildered out of affection - 2022-11-23 Lautoka
17.46 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-17-12 - Mystic powers aren't impressive - 2023-04-24 Lautoka
22.49 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-17-13-14 - Residents of Vrindavan experience great love for Krishna - 2023-04-25 Lautoka
20.19 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-40-27 - Lamenting over uncontrolled mind - 2022-11-30 New Goloka
28.43 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-03 - Adbhuta Realization - 2022-12-06 New Goloka
25.35 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-06 - Mathura as Churning - 2022-12-08 New Goloka
27.69 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-09 - Feeling Separation from Vrindavan - 2022-12-13 New Goloka
25.52 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-15 - River Ganges - 2022-12-20 New Goloka
28.59 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-17 - Common sense Setting priorities - 2022-12-22 New Goloka
26.71 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-25 - Anubhava - 2022-12-27 New Goloka
26.74 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-27 - Sri Radha is more attractive than Krishna - 2022-12-29 New Goloka
25.03 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-30 - Becoming extremly ecstatic Brahmins - 2022-12-31 New Goloka
28.47 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-30 - Brahmanas - 2023-01-03 New Goloka
28.47 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-32 - Krishna isn't interested in material reputation - 2023-01-05 New Goloka
29.71 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-38 - One's eternal enemy indirect rasas - 2023-01-10 New Goloka
26.65 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-43 - Hierarchy of mercy - 2023-01-17 New Goloka
26.3 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-44 - Proper Renunciation - 2023-01-19 New Goloka
25.93 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-50 - Krishna's benedictions are unlimited - 2023-01-24 New Goloka
26.93 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-41-52 - Krishna's affection - 2023-01-26 New Goloka
28.69 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-17 - Krishna reciprocates the mood of the living entity - 2023-02-28 New Goloka
29.72 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-21-22 - Complete faith - 2023-03-02 New Goloka
219.22 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-25 - Unique feature of the demons in Vrndavan - 2023-03-09 New Goloka
28.59 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-32 - Contrasting envy of Material and Spiritual worlds - 2023-03-14 New Goloka
26.48 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-33 - King is a representative of God - 2023-03-16 New Goloka
26.92 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-36 - How to make intelligence strong - 2023-03-21 New Goloka
25.39 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-43-38 - Dharma - 2023-03-23 New Goloka
25.37 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-45-13 - History of Yadu's curse - 2023-05-23 New Goloka
27.6 MB · MP3
BKG SB 10-45-15-16 - Freedom from Fear - 2023-05-25 New Goloka
26.48 MB · MP3
BKG Seminar - Dasa Mula Tattva - 2023-03-19 New Goloka
28.02 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 01 - Invocation Mantra-01 - 2023-01-06 New Goloka
25.29 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 02 - Invocation Mantra-01 - 2023-01-07 New Goloka
12.65 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 03 - Invocation Mantra-01-03 - 2023-01-08 New Goloka
27.06 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 03A - Invocation Mantra-04 - 2023-01-08 New Goloka
20.64 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 04 - Invocation Mantra-04-05 - 2023-01-10 New Goloka
27.79 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 05 - Invocation Mantra-05-06 - 2023-01-11 New Goloka
26.58 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 06 - Invocation Mantra-07-08 - 2023-01-12 New Goloka
27.69 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 07 - Invocation Mantra-08-09 - 2023-01-13 New Goloka
26.82 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 08 - Invocation Mantra-10-11 - 2023-01-14 New Goloka
25.15 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 09 - Invocation Mantra-11-12 - 2023-01-15 New Goloka
25.94 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 10 - Invocation Mantra-12-13 - 2023-01-16 New Goloka
26.06 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 11 - Invocation Mantra-13-14 - 2023-01-17 New Goloka
27.35 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 12 - Invocation Mantra-14-15 - 2023-01-18 New Goloka
27.05 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 13 - Invocation Mantra-15 - 2023-01-19 New Goloka
26.95 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 14 - Invocation Mantra-16 - 2023-01-20 New Goloka
26.9 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 15 - Invocation Mantra-17 - 2023-01-22 New Goloka
25.33 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 16 - Invocation Mantra-18 - 2023-01-24 New Goloka
24.2 MB · MP3
BKG Sri Isopanishad Course 16A - Invocation Mantra-18 - 2023-01-23 New Goloka
23.8 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Anarthas - 2023-05-21 New Goloka
26.76 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Arrival Address - 2022-11-07 Brisbane
45.41 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Cannot get mercy of Krishna without the mercy of the Vaishnavas - 2023-04-23 Nadi
14.96 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Epistemology - 2022-10-17 New Goloka
30.73 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation - 2023-04-09 Sydney
27.75 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation - 2023-04-16 Auckland
24.91 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation Class - 2023-04-22 New Govardhan
26.5 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation Class - 2023-04-30 Labasa
23.15 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation Class - 2023-05-07 Suva
33.07 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Initiation Class - 2023-05-10 Fiji
50.6 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Krishna's Appearance - 2022-08-15 New Goloka
22.56 MB · MP3
BKG Various - New Year's Katha - 2023-01-01 New Goloka
33.38 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Prequal to Mahabharata - 2022-12-04 New Goloka
24.71 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Reception Talk and Class - 2023-04-12 Auckland
16.68 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Talk at UTS Hindu Society about Hanuman - 2023-04-07 Sydney
28.85 MB · MP3
BKG Various - The story of Ajamila saved by the Holy Name - 2023-05-28 New Goloka
22.09 MB · MP3
BKG Various - The Tattvas - 2023-03-12 New Goloka
26.09 MB · MP3
BKG Various - Vyasa Puja Celebration - 2022-10-09 New Goloka
84.07 MB · MP3

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