Suhotra Maharaja, born in Massachussetts, USA, in 1950, came in contact with ISKCON in 1971 & in 1972 became a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. His first few years he spent distributing Srila Prabhupada's books in USA as a brahmacari. In 1976 he traveled to India. A year later he based himself in Germany, from where he later expanded his preaching to East - European countries and Scandinavia. In 1982 he took to the sannyasa asram. He traveled throughout the world from 1988 till 1991, visiting many Asian and Australasian countries. At this time he became a member of ISKCON's Governing Body Commission for next 11 years. His area of responsibility was Norway, Finland, Benelux, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. He preached extensively in these countries. From mid 90's he started to write books. From 2001 he started to spend more time in India. In 2005, he moved to Sri Mayapur Dham till he left this mortal world in April 2007.
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