Her Grace Devaki Devi Dasi, disciple of HH Niranjana Maharaja, joined the brahmacharini ashram in Sydney/Australia in 1985. As a grihastha, she helped to pioneer the first more organized temple in the former Soviet Union and since 1999, serves as a renounced traveling preacher, regularly visiting India, Bangladesh, Eastern and Western Europe, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. She served on the GBC Committee for Devotee Care and currently promotes such care as a top priority within the ISKCON family. Her multifaceted understanding of Vaishnava culture inspired her to establish the Institute for Spiritual Culture in 2014, offering insightful education in Vaishnava life. She has published six books and conducts Holy Name Retreats around the world.For information on upcoming retreats aand courses visit: www.therootsofspiritualculture.net and www.theholynameretreat.net
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